Monday, July 12, 2010

3LD - American Woman - The Met

I recently finished work on the American Woman exhibition at The Metropolitan Museum of Art. It was a wild ride - technically one of the most challenging things I've ever done, and also the longest I've ever gone without sleep (5 days!!)

The exhibition involved floor to ceiling (15ft high) 360 degree projection in an oval room.
Among other things, I worked on the 3D virtual projector positioning and the 3D pre-distortion of the animation (to make it look flat on the curved walls).

Lighting and Sound America just did an article on our work

Click here to view the PDF

Clicking on the photos will take you to 2 slideshows showing behind-the-scenes and screenshots.

Radiohole - Whatever Heaven Allows Photos

Better late than are some photos from Whatever, Heaven Allows, mostly from Minneapolis (The Walker Arts Center) but a couple from New York (PS122)

Load-in at The Walker

Load-in at The Walker

Load-in at PS122

Load-in at The Walker

A shocking moment!

Am I beautiful?

Am I sweaty?

I loved those epaulets!


Maggie's entrance

Dance with the old lady

...And here's the video teaser for the show...I had a lot of fun making it!